Monday, June 20, 2011

Facts and Myths on Early Aversion Techniques in the Treatment of Unwanted Homosexual Attractions

From an orginal article by:
A. Dean Byrd, Ph.D., MBA, MPH
James E. Phelan, LCSW, Psy.D.


Aversion techniques are no longer used to treat unwanted homosexual attractions, yet many myths concerning such practices still exist. Beginning in the late 1960’s at several academic institutions, clinical aversive techniques were experimentally introduced as part of the curriculum and investigation of evolving aversive procedures, which were applied to a variety of conditions, including unwanted homosexual attractions (McBride, 1976; Rachman & Teasdale, 1969). Since their introduction, these techniques were the object of varying media coverage. Primarily for public consumption, many of the media reports contained significant misinformation and serious inaccuracies regarding aversive techniques and their uses.

This paper is an attempt to provide accurate information about the use of aversive techniques in general, to address some of the myths associated with aversive techniques, and to provide a more accurate description and assessment of what did and did not occur during the period in which aversive techniques were applied to a variety of client symptoms, including unwanted homosexuality.

Full article: HERE

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